Mist Coat freshly plastered walls
Have you a new build in Ireland? We are offering a new build mist-coat respray service for 2024. The miss coat includes all walls and the ceilings to a finish.

Mist Coat Fresh Plaster

Why treat new plaster in your new build home

It is generally recommended to treat freshly plastered walls before painting. Fresh plaster is porous, and if not treated properly, it can absorb moisture from the paint and affect the overall finish and durability of the paint job.

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fresh plastered walls mist coated primer base

Treating newly plastered walls in a new house is important for several reasons:

  1. Sealing the surface: Fresh plaster can be porous and absorbent, which can cause paint to be absorbed unevenly, resulting in a patchy and inconsistent finish. Treating the surface with a sealer or primer can help seal the surface and create an even and consistent base for the paint.
  2. Stabilizing the surface: Newly plastered walls can be unstable and may continue to settle or crack over time. Treating the surface with a stabilizing solution can help prevent further cracking and ensure a smooth finish.
  3. Preventing moisture penetration: Fresh plaster can also be vulnerable to moisture penetration, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Treating the surface with a moisture-resistant primer can help prevent moisture from penetrating the surface and protect the walls from damage.

Overall, treating newly plastered walls is an important step in ensuring a smooth and long-lasting paint finish, as well as protecting the walls from potential damage.